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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Devotions - The Body

So last night I went to a lockin at my church and I fractured my wrist.I don't really feel like getting into details, haha, but what I want to say is my wrist hasn't even been fractured for 24 hrs and I'm already learning something. Which is ironic cause went over this in Awana on Thursday.  What I'm learning is how hard it is to function without one part of your body. Now what we went over in Awana is how each part of the body matters. Does your body function right without a leg? No. Without an arm? Not exactly. Even without a wrist its hard to function. Now you can get along without these things but its very hard. Now in the body of the church, when people that are good at certain things, leave you need to get other people to do it, even if other people aren't as good. Your body gets weaker and weaker and you start to ache and feel pain. The thing we need to do is not only pray for our church but we need to start serving. Start using our talents for the Lord. One day, we  Christians, are going to be judged on the good things we have done. Do you want to stand before God and say, "I got nothing. I love you, but I did nothing for you"? So, this is my challenge to you: start serving! Trust me, when you serve not only will you make way better relationships but you will also feel really happy that you are doing something for the Lord. Don't be that person that gets change and puts it in a bag full of holes.

Krystl <3


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