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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here Am I, Send Me - Peru Missions Trip


Some of the teens at my church are going on a missions trip to Peru to help the Budds out. They will be going April 2nd and they will be coming home April 12th. Some of the prayers that they are asking for are:

1. For God to use us in a BIG way
2. For the Budds
3. Spiritual growth
4. The Peruvians we will be ministering to
5.Travel details to all come together
6. Safety and health
7. For Financial Provision

The teens that are going are: James Benton, Kent Kilpatrick, Josh Ostrander, Alexis Moore,
McKaylah Philo, Cullen Enders, Caleb Gruet, Gabe Enders, Kierstyn Natter, Tiffani Goldblatt, John Donnan, Alex Sakadolski, Elijah Shumaker, Megan Klueg, Christian Klueg, Sarah Hand, Adam Hand, Linda Hand, and Zeek Klueg.

I don't really know if all of these teens are going, but I pray that they are. I hope that they go over there and people will get saved. Good luck, Teens!!

Shelby ;D


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