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Sunday, March 28, 2010

How REAL Are Your Relationships? - Being Different

Sometimes its hard being a Christian, while being surrounded by people who look at you differently because you have values. They think you're weird for the sole reason of not wanting to be surrounded by partiers. You get the reputation of being someone who sucks the fun out of everything, when that's actually not the case at all. We just know when having "fun" is acceptable and when its not. On many occasions, people who are friends of mine have tried to change the person that I am. I have just recently gotten accused of being the good little Christian girl who is naive of what really goes on everyday. The thing is, Christians do know what goes on, we just choose not to get involved. One of the most important things to do when you're a Christian teen is to realize whats right and whats wrong. Its so easy to "forget" about glorifying God in everything that you do. Its something all Christian teens should work on everyday. Our actions must show others that we truly mean what we say when we talk about our relationship with God. People will pay attention more, when one does what they say.

~Kayla :)


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