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Monday, April 12, 2010

Devotions- "To Find A Smile"

"To Find A Smile"

Sometimes we take what we have for granted. We don't think twice about going to bed in a warm bed, sitting down to eat a hot meal, or simply going to brush our teeth.

This past week I took a trip to the local Soup Kitchen with some other girls. It was a heart breakinng experience, but one that I will never forget. We got everything set up for the people to come in and eat. The moment they began to come it, I had tears in my eyes. I just felt so bad that I have so much and they have almost nothing.

Out of all of the people there, there is one face, that I will always remember. It was the face of a little girl that couldn't have been any older than about 5 or 6. Her and her two sisters were there with their parents. My heart broke to pieces the minute I saw her.

Once everyone had eaten we passed around desserts and this little girl looked up at me when I was passing them around. Her eyes grew big and bright and she had the biggest smile ever on her face when she got hers. Then, later that night she came up with her plate to throw it away and didn't know where she was going and I asked her if she needed some help. Just reaching out a hand to help her with little things could put a smile on this one little girl's face. I would not have changed that night for the world.

It was a whole new perspective that I had not seen before. That night made me realize that the little things that we do count in someone else's eyes. They may not mean much to us, but to someone like that little girl, it could mean the world to her. After that, my heart was changed and made me want to give even more, and be a stronger servant of God.

God can use us in any way that He wants to. He used me that night to reach out to that child and let her know that there are people that care about her and that want to help.

How is God going to use you to work in other people's lives?
My challenge to you today, is to pray that God will use you in any way that He can to get to others. Also, pray that God will give you the strength and courage to follow through with the opportunities that He gives you.



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