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Saturday, April 10, 2010


So I was at a brunch today at my church and my assistant pastors wife did a devotional for it and the devotional was about the verse Galatians 6:2 (Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.) She was saying how we as Christians should really be caring more about others yes sometimes we do need people to care about us but what happens when the person who helped you out go through that time? Are you just gonna sit back and not care? She shared this great demonstration. This girl went to her mother telling her how she was going through a very hard time when one trial was over another one came, and she felt like giving up. Now we've all been there right? Instead of her mom encouraging her she put out three pots of boiling water and the first one had a carrot in it. The second had an egg in it. The third had coffee beans. She let them boil for 20 minutes put them in bowls and called her daughter in the kitchen and she said what do you see in the three bowls? Her daughter replied a carrot, a boiled egg, and coffee. Then her mother said these are three examples of people who went through hard times (boiling water). Each one responded in a different way The carrot went in strong and came out soft. The egg went in fragile and came out hard and bitter. The coffee beans had a different effect though the coffee beans went in and changed the water. These apply to trials that come our way think about it are you a carrot you go into the situation strong and come out hurt soft and crushed? Or maybe your the egg that went in fragile not knowing what would happen and come out hard and bitter. If were truly honest with ourselves we are in one of those categories but is that what we want to be? Of course not, but theres one more category The coffee beans we can go into a situation and turn it around and make the best of it. SO which of the three do you want to be the carrot? The egg? Or the coffee beans?
~Be a coffee bean Christian!!~


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