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Monday, April 5, 2010

This brings me to tears everytime.

So we just got done with Easter weekend. This weekend is always a lot of fun right? Well it definitely is for me I love it I get to go to church and sing praises about Jesus rising from the dead and them I get to go to my grandmas and have dinner with my family. I get to spend the day with almost everybody I love. This Easter was different I had tons of fun but I realized something so so so important. This Easter we had a sunrise service at my church first ever and we had one of our pastors preach and he preached about Jesus and about how perfectly everything fell into place how when Jesus rose from the dead his clothes were folded in the tomb. He took his time. Would you take your time on an earth that betrayed you and for people that nailed you to the cross? I wouldn't. I'd be like see ya I'm going to heaven. But no, that's not what he did even after we nailed him to the cross and even after we whipped him and put thorns on his head and no we didn't just set the thorns on his head we pushed them down into his brow as hard as we could. Now you might say well Jesus is God he can take that better than we can. You're forgetting something Jesus was human he was a man he was the same as us only perfect and I know that we can't understand that but its true. Now in Sunday school my assistant pastor preached on how Jesus was hurt for us and how much he went through. He had to carry the cross and it wasn't very smooth wood he probably had splinters 6 inches long in his skin. They spit on him as he walked by. The bible said he was beaten so bad he didn't even look human. On top of all that he had nails go through his hands and nails go through his feet and every time he breathed he could feel the nails in his body. Then they mocked him and when he was thirsty they fed him vinegar. Anytime he wanted to he could have stopped this pain but that's just the thing he didn't he could have just said you know what I'm done these people don't deserve it (and we don't)but he didn't do that. He said
my God, my God, Forgive them for they know not what they do.

He loved us so much and that is what is so amazing guys I cant emphasize this enough everything I have said is true and he did it for us he did it for the world he did it for you. It amazes me so much every time I think about it that Jesus would do this for me for a sinner like me. Guys if you don't know Jesus theres no point in life. He's the reason we live and without him we would all die and go to hell but what he did for us allows us to go to heaven if we just ask him for forgiveness and allow him to take control of our lives. He did so much for us how can we ever repay him? The truth is we cant but we can give him our lives and live for him because he died for us that's the best part of the story he rose from the grave 3 days later and he is now living today in heaven waiting for us to accept him. I actually wrote a song about just how amazing he is and I'm working on another one and I'm gonna end this post in one of the lines of the song: He gave his life for you so what are you gonna do? He gave you a choice to make this for you to take.

So I ask you will you accept him? If you are saved I have a question for you are you going to live for him?

Krystl <3


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