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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Oh how he loves us!"

Last night I was able to lead a 6 year old boy to Jesus. He raised his hand at roller skating because he wanted to learn more about Jesus. My normal job for roller skating is to take the people that raise their hands to a person from my church in a certain room and he will talk to them but for some reason last night he got caught up in talking to people so I sat down and talked to him. I told him about how Jesus died on the cross for him and that if he believed that and he asked Jesus to come into his heart that when he died he could live in heaven. I asked him if he wanted to do that and he said yes. Then I asked him if he wanted to pray with me and he said no. I asked him if he wanted to pray by himself and he said no. Then I said are you scared? He then said yes. I said you know what its okay you don't have to be scared it says in the Bible that Jesus wants to talk to us he wants to talk to the little kids and the big people to and then I said again do you want to pray with me and he said yes. He prayed and asked Jesus to save him. Then I asked him if he understood what he did I said Gabe do you know that now when you die you get to go to heaven? He said yes. I said are you excited and he said yes. The reason I tell you this story is because I got to see just a little bit of Christ's love last night and why the angels rejoice when people turn to him. When somebody gets saved and you know that you were a part of it is an amazing feeling. So why are most of us afraid to go soul winning? To tell somebody about Jesus? Are we afraid that they're going to judge us? If that's the case may I ask you why does it matter? Jesus died on the cross and he didn't care what people think he did so much for us and he loves us so much. Why don't we share his love with other people? He blesses us and we realize we could never live without him well why do we let other people? We need to tell people about the love Jesus has for you and for them and for all of us. So that everyone can experience His amazing love for us.

Krystl <3


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