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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bear eachothers burdens

So this week some people that are very close to me lost someone they love. I'm writing this post because even though who they lost someone I didn't really know I'm sad because they're sad. Ive been asking myself why am I sad if something didn't happen to me? I remembered today a verse in Galatians 6:2 Which says Bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ. We as Christians need to bear eachothers burdens and no it doesn't mean cry when your friends crying or be upset at the same thing it means When someones hurting, hurt with them. Pray for them and help them through their burdens. I think we as Christians don't do that enough when someones hurting we do feel bad for them and we tell them that we will pray for them but do we just say that? Or do we actually do it? If someone comes to us and tells us how much of a hard time they are having do we stop and pray with them? Or do we say well we will pray for you and not meaning to, do we forget to pray? Saying we will pray are words that get taken very lightly we need to say what we mean and mean what we say. So when someones hurting bear their burden pray for them and don't say you'll pray for them stop whatever your doing and pray with them. You might just make their day ;)

~Krystl <3


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