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Saturday, July 17, 2010

The cross

Ok so I drew this picture a long time ago. I drew this when my dream was to be an artist but then I realized Im not that great at art but thats besides the point. Now you see I have this thing I call my paper box and all it is, is a whole bunch of random papers (cards, church bulletins, poems, etc). In all of those things I found this drawing and I was thinking why would I draw blood coming out of a cross? I know Christ died on the cross for me and he shed blood but why would I draw blood coming out of a cross and not out of Jesus? I drew that when I was little and everybody knows that little kids have amazing imaginations. When you think about it the cross should be a symbol and everytime we see it we think about what Jesus did how he sacrificed himself for us and how much he loves us. ♥ So I realized that I being a little kid actually knew enough of the bible to realize that the cross should be a symbol and it should humble us. Just take a minute at the picture and dont think of how i messed up on this or that just look at it and think of what happened on that cross.

~Krystl <3~


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