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Friday, May 7, 2010

Why do we hate the ONE who loves us most?

Ive been thinking and talking to my friend a lot lately and shes been mad at God a lot. The one thing that I think of every time she says shes mad at God is how could we be mad at God the only one that truly loves us? He loves you so much that he went to the cross for you and he was beaten and made fun of and he was spit on. He did it all because he though hey (Insert your name) is going to go through trials someday and I'm gonna do this so they know that I love them and that I will always be there for them. Why do we push away the one who loves us why do we blame him? The worst thing is God just takes it he doesn't go oh well that Krystl Gardner shes mad at me and I didn't do anything so now I'm gonna try to hurt her. No he doesn't do that he helps you when your mad you cant see it but when everyone around you can see how he is trying to get you through it. Whether its through a person or through a certain event or something he just trys to help you.Instead of saying wow God is good no we blame him instead? Why do we do that? Its so hard for me to sit and see how mad my friend is at God I cant imagine how God feels. Lord this is my prayer to you please help not only my friend but everyone else in the world that is mad and/or bitter with you Lord its such a hard life to live without you Lord just help them to realize how great you are and how much you love us.


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